Letterpress Books: Our Favorite Reads on Letterpress Printing

Letterpress Books: Our 10 Favorite Books about Letterpress Printing

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Delightful Dive into the World of Letterpress Printing Books

Welcome to the enchanting world of letterpress printing! If you're eager to explore this beautiful art form, we've got you covered with a curated list of delightful books that will guide you through the journey. As an avid reader and a letterpress enthusiast, I've had the pleasure of devouring these captivating works. So, let's dive right in!

1. "Printing Types: Their History, Forms, and Use" by Daniel Berkeley Updike

Prepare to embark on a fascinating historical expedition with "Printing Types: Their History, Forms, and Use." This book is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering a detailed exploration of the evolution of typefaces, their forms, and their significance in the world of printing. It's a captivating journey that will leave you in awe of the rich heritage of typography.

2. "Letterpress: The Allure of the Handmade" by David Jury

"Letterpress: The Allure of the Handmade" celebrates the irresistible charm of letterpress printing. With a delightful blend of anecdotes, stunning visuals, and expert insights, this book showcases the unique qualities that make letterpress a beloved craft. Get ready to be captivated by the beauty and tactile nature of handmade prints as you flip through the pages.

3. "Letterpress Now: A DIY Guide to New & Old Printing Methods" by Jessica C. White

For the adventurous souls eager to dive into letterpress printing, "Letterpress Now" is the ultimate companion. Jessica C. White provides a comprehensive guide that covers both traditional and contemporary printing techniques. With step-by-step instructions, tips, and inspiring examples, this book empowers beginners to embark on their own letterpress printing adventures.

4. "Letterpress Printing: A Manual for Modern Fine Press Printers" by Paul Maravelas

Paul Maravelas' "Letterpress Printing" is a valuable resource for fine press printers seeking to refine their craft. From typesetting and presswork to troubleshooting and advanced techniques, this manual covers it all. With clear explanations and practical advice, it's an indispensable guide for anyone looking to elevate their letterpress skills.

5. "Letterpress Printing: A Manual of Technique" by John Ryder

If you're searching for a concise yet informative guide to letterpress technique, look no further than "Letterpress Printing: A Manual of Technique" by John Ryder. This book is a gem, providing a comprehensive overview of the entire printing process. With detailed explanations, helpful diagrams, and troubleshooting tips, it's an excellent companion for beginners and experienced printers alike.

6. "Letterpress: The Art of Making Prints by Hand" by St. Bride Foundation

Delve into the artistry of letterpress printing with "Letterpress: The Art of Making Prints by Hand." This visually stunning book showcases the works of talented letterpress artists, revealing their creative processes and inspirations. Prepare to be inspired and awed by the exquisite craftsmanship and the boundless possibilities of this timeless art form.

7. "Letterpress Printing: A Sociable Art" by Richard-Gabriel Rummonds

In "Letterpress Printing: A Sociable Art," Richard-Gabriel Rummonds invites readers on a captivating journey through the history, techniques, and culture of letterpress printing. With engaging anecdotes and personal insights, this book sheds light on the social aspects of letterpress, highlighting the joy of collaboration and the vibrant community surrounding this art form.

8. "The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography" by Ruari McLean

"The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography" is a comprehensive guide that explores the intricacies of typography, including its close relationship with letterpress printing. With detailed explanations, examples, and practical tips, this book offers a wealth of information for both typography enthusiasts and aspiring letterpress printers.

Where to Start? Our Top Pick!

If you're looking for the perfect book to begin your letterpress journey, I highly recommend starting with "Letterpress Now: A DIY Guide to New & Old Printing Methods" by Jessica C. White. This comprehensive guide strikes the perfect balance between practical instruction and creative inspiration, making it an ideal companion for beginners. From setting up your own printing studio to experimenting with various techniques, this book will empower you to dive headfirst into the world of letterpress printing. Happy printing!

Austin Terrill

Austin Terrill: Texas born, Berlin-based creative and print designer. Founder of Mint Letterpress and the Peppermint Brands family of companies. Former touring musician on the Van's Warped Tour. Passionate about music, photography, arts, and synthesizers. Family man with wife, two kids, and Havapoo, Paule.